Friday, August 3, 2012

Generating Tons of Value While Lacking Focus

The reason why people want focus is because when they are unfocused, they don't seem to create much value. But, what if you could create as much value when you're completely unfocused? Lets spend a few minutes looking at that.

First off, when I talk about an unfocused individual, I don't mean lazy and tired and lacking motivation, I mean that they have a great amount of energy, but they can't seem to direct it at the right stuff. You're excited, energized, but you don't know how to use that energy. This is a common problem among lots of bright, talented folks.

The Power of Having Focus

We understand that focusing on a single idea to the exclusion of other things, is generally very productive. When you have focus and you're in the zone, focus is a multiplying factor for getting stuff done. Distractions are an inverse multiplier for creating productivity.

That's why, in a workplace setting, some great developers won't even talk to you until they've purged their entire cache of code before stopping to speak with you. At a company I worked for a while back, there was a developer there who would spend 30-90 seconds finishing his thought before we would even turn around and address you. It was awkward for everyone, but that was his way of clearing his cache and making sure he found a good stopping place he could return to at the end of the unwanted interruption.

Mental focus allows us to have a single, unbroken line of connected thought. It allows us to do a deep dive and see the next 10 moves we want to make. It allows us to be come the Bobby Fisher[1] of coding, of accounting, of metalwork, of brand analysis, or of real-estate. Focus allows us to see the big picture end-to-end and have all the context for the problem set in our head. This allows us to make smart decisions about how modifications in one part will have downstream effects elsewhere. Whereas, when you don't have the whole context in your head, the small changes you make aren't well thought-out and can have negative effects.

The Power of Lacking Focus

The cool thing is that focus is not necessarily the mother of creativity. Creativity happens in the world between concentration and random thought. If you concentrate on something too specific, it can destroy creativity. When you're in the weeds and unfocused, its a great time to be creative, to brainstorm.

As a developer, at the end of the night when I go home from my day job and I sit down and begin to think about the problems I can attack, the majority of the problems that I want to attack are way too large to fit into the time I have to write code. So, often the best use of that time, when I don't have enough to get into the zone, would be to brainstorm and come up with creative approaches to things, or come up with new ideas for businesses.

So, the power of being in the weeds and unfocused is that you can allow yourself some completely unhibited brainstorming of the most crazy things, crazy ideas that hopefully solve real problems. That's how you leverage a lack of focus.

The key is in recognizing whether you have time to focus, to get in the zone, or not. For me, its a good rule of thumb to say that if I have 2-3 hours of time to sit down and work uninterrupted, then I can knock out a fairly complex implementation and feel good about the result. However, if its 30 minutes or an hour, then I will default to my old habits of piddling around on HN, Reddit, or CNN. And that's where the problem lies, right? I'm using the lack-of-focus time to goof-off instead of being creative. I have defaulted into being a consumer and not a producer. Use that time to play. If I simply could play around with a new concept, whether it's riffing on a guitar, or coding up an experimental app, then that would be a powerful way to use my unfocused time.

Things to do when you can't focus (software startup edition):

  • Draw mockups for that business idea you have.
  • Setup a blog, write a blog post about your product idea.
  • Get out your banjo, harmonica, or whatever, and write a jingle for your business
  • Experiment on how to calculate LTV or COCA in your app.
  • Think of a product hook, that is, a reason for a journalist to write about you.
  • Research your competitors (be careful, this can be a trap), and come up with one feature that you can do better that they can.

Knowing when you have time to focus and when you should be creative takes discipline, because you'll want to default to your consumer mentality. It takes a certain amount of focus to be able to know when to focus. :). But, if you can convince yourself that unfocused time is creative play time, then you can extract a lot of value from that spare 30 minutes or an hour.

Who knew that lacking focus could be a superpower?

[1] Bobby Fisher was a chess champion who could visualize his next 12 moves on the chess board when playing against opponents.


  1. Many golf clubs are stylish and well-maintained and have clubhouses that are often with a bar or restaurants inside. This makes them the perfect spot to enjoy your time, either you're on your own or with groups. What better way to brighten up your golf club by putting up an illuminated sign welcoming your guests? A well-lit neon sign could assist in directing people to the first tee, or to the bar afterward.

  2. If you want to keep the children engaged, indoor activity centers offer everything. Similar to bowling alleys as well as arcades for games indoor activities centres might benefit from a bright fun neon sign that will give a visual appeal to the area.

    Indoor centers can range from rock climbingto trampoline courts and would look more appealing by having a themed neon sign placed in the wall.With restrictions slowly closing across the UK and Europe, it's possible to say that both people and businesses alike are exhaling satisfaction that soon things will return to normal. A lot of our favorite things are starting to come back in a variety of ways, from the ability to sit in a bar or attend the biggest event.
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  3. The process of planning your events is a great idea and a welcome relief after the past 18 months or more. There are a myriad of events that are worth welcoming back such as trade shows, corporate events festival of food and music and workshops as well as charity events and many more. A lot of them aren't able to move forward, however the future looks brighter.

    If you're thinking of designing your event's decor You've probably had a few ideas in your the back of your mind. But, you could need a helping to ensure that your event is in good shape and meets your expectations, and the expectations of your guests. Custom Neon Signs UK

  4. I'm a Certified Social Media Manager, Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Organic Specialist, and Marketer! Blogging services as a creative outlet for me. Running, hiking, and skiing are some of my favourite ways to unwind. My always-present orange glasses, a tribute to my Dutch origin, will help you distinguish me on stage and online.

  5. Are you looking for a reliable method to make a 3-color scheme look more balanced? Keep it to 60% for your primary color and 30% for your secondary colour , and 10 percent for the accent colour and you'll be able to get it wrong. If you want to add a fourth color to the mix, you can split the secondary colour , or at a minimum to the dominant colour but not the accent.

  6. Learn how the Instagram algorithm works.
    Many Instagram users initially panicked about switching from a chronograph logical feed to a ranked timeline. However, after changing the post, on average, 50% more subscribers are viewed than before. So, forget about learning how to beat the Instagram algorithm. Instead, focus on learning how to use the system to your advantage. What is displayed on each person's timeline is determined by six factors: interest, timeliness, relationship, frequency, subscription, and usage.

  7. . When you reflect on consideration on how lengthy LEDs will closing they may be the maximum dependable and sturdy form of lightning for symptoms and symptoms. They're a lot extra green than neon and fluorescent lighting. With our channel letter symptoms and symptoms you furthermore might acquire a 3-12 months assure at the exertions and components, because of this that that in case you revel in any problems, you do not be obligated to make high-priced repairs. The guarantee covers the signal itself and the set up. So you could relaxation confident understanding that the signal you pick to put in will draw the eye you need and help in developing your enterprise quicker than different form of marketing and marketing.

  8. Os dados do Google Analytics são valiosos porque podem nos ajudar a decidir e planejar como podemos melhorar a qualidade de nosso tráfego de SEO. Para colher todas as vantagens que vêm do Google Analytics, bem como para melhorar a qualidade do tráfego para seu site, você terá que rastrear o engajamento, bem como a conversão e as métricas de relevância por um período prolongado de tempo. No entanto, eles são apenas uma peça da equação. O crescimento sustentável será baseado em análises, pesquisas e ajustes constantes em seu site.

  9. Por meio de seus esforços de marketing por e-mail, é possível fazer com que cada e-mail pareça uma conversa individual por meio da diferenciação e individualização. Seus endossantes podem ser um Abordar com um primeiro nome e ser exposto a conteúdo que seja significativo para eles com base em dados como estudos, históricos de compras, históricos de compromissos e o resto. Certifique-se de solicitar informações que proporcionem uma excelente experiência aos seus clientes.

  10. É fundamental ter em mente que, para proteger esse tipo de negócio, você é legalmente obrigado a usar uma VPN. VPNs projetados para pequenas empresas são facilmente acessíveis e podem ajudar a construir um plano de segurança mais forte para sua empresa.

  11. The letters used on this unique form of signal are commonly composed of aluminum backs and facets and faces fabricated from acrylic. Because the letters are in my view carved which are internally illuminated, they may be obvious from an extended distance. Screen Printing and DTG. The inner LED used to mild maximum channel letters symptoms and symptoms have rendered neon signposts obsolete. They're brighter and extra green in electricity use and closing longer, in addition to less expensive than neon.

  12. A lot of people have heard to not shop for groceries in the event of hunger, as it can lead to poor decisions. This is also the case for furniture stores. do not shop in a panic because you're living in an empty house. You'll need an armchair. However, if you select the sectional with a pink stripe just because you liked it at the showroom and you don't take measurements or considering the other furniture and the room's layout, you'll be locked into it. The other furniture must be designed around the sofa and if it's big for the space, it'll appear a bit awkward.

  13. What is Neon, Really?
    A neon mild is a glass tube containing neon, argon or krypton which is at low pressure. The contrary ends of this glass tube are made up of metal electrodes. When you use excessive voltage for the electrodes, the neon fuel will ionize and it will purpose electrons to drift through. Such electrons will ignite the neon atoms and this makes for the birth of the neon light. The aforementioned system is the technique for emitting crimson neon light. For different colors, different gases will have to be used. Also, a neon light is generally made up of lengthy and slender glass tubes (often bent to shape letters or images) however a fluorescent light is simply one glass tube which has a “standard” dimension and it simply flows through a straight tube. But you don’t surely wanna use fluorescent for advertising, do you?

  14. By preserving the neon signal minimum, you’ll permit the signal to do its job – mild up your wedding ceremony in an appealing and fashionable manner! Minimalism additionally ties into the color of the neon. Try to stay with simply one or hues, and preserve them similar. The great neon hues for weddings might ought to be the ones which might be related to romance and amusing like red, red, and yellow. The maximum famous color is white, which additionally continues the neon signal fashionable and classy.

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  15. Winter is additionally a time for exciting at home sharing the convivial celebrations the season brings with cherished ones. Whether it’s a small intimate dinner party or a cocktail gathering with all your favourite people, our Winter new arrivals will at that je ne sais quoi to your interesting spaces.

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  17. Reclaim, reuse and recycle, with a local weather emergency on our fingers we have to be extra aware in all our choices. 2022 interiors sketch tendencies see a sharp upward push in the use of recycled or reclaimed fabric such as wood and glass. So as nicely as looking completely breathtaking, you can take satisfaction in understanding these have been the eco-conscious choice.

  18. The most frequent issue with neon light bulbs is when they begin to flicker or blink. Based on this one indicator you'll know if there is a problem with the electrical system. If you own an illuminated sign, it is important to ensure that the power supply is constant if you don't expect it to go out of service anytime very soon. If you have an intermittent power supply or frequent blackouts, it's quite common to encounter issues with the neon light.

  19. Pendants are dining light fixture that provides concentrated light to any surface. They can be used to replace chandeliers when they are they are used in multiples. Sconces are the ideal lighting fixture for the dining room since they can be hung anywhere on the wall. Track lights can also be a flexible option. They can be moved and used as accent lighting, ambient, and task lights. Cove lighting is a perfect way to add a touch of elegance to an eaves ceiling or other recesses in the architecture.

  20. There is no need to take on a major remodeling task. Simple changes like changing the tiles or re-grouting the bathroom could alter people's perceptions of your house. You could even think about removing the wallpaper you have been using and changing it to a brand new one to give your bathroom a fresh style that complements the design that your bathroom has.


  21. While making your record, you should describe your inspiration for your aficionados. You should express out loud whatever your character is and what you do. Which isolates your picture? Contemplate who you are centering with your virtual amusement strategy on Instagram when you make your picture page. It's okay to be fiery and inventive in your portrayal, especially on the off chance that it's smart for your group. GoPro Instagram features an innovative yet informative biography. "We make the most versatile camera on earth. Share with #GoPro. " You can moreover recall an intuitive association for your diary. This is a huge land parcel, so mull over where you keep up with that your group ought to go. GoPro chooses to remember its allies for Instagram, sending them to the LinkinBio page.


  22. halema11223 halemas112233:20 PM

    Many advertisers make this mistake without any analysis and instead look at the performance of the two platforms as if they were one entity. It could result in positive results.

    For the most efficient allocation of budgets and a more efficient plan, it is suggested to use both portals on a individual basis.

    What is the best time to advertise simultaneously on Instagram and Facebook? Facebook and Instagram simultaneously , and when should one stick to one? The answer will depend on the following six factors:

  23. If there are more than 2 sentences included, Facebook is more likely to be a place where people take the time to go through it.

    5. Find Synergies Through Your Organic Work
    If you're whether you're on Facebook or Instagram your advertisement will be linked to your profile and organic feed. If your feed on organic is not active you might want to increase the activity that is organic in the lead-up for the social media paid marketing campaign.

    Paid advertisements give users the opportunity to connect to your profile on the internet.


A Thousand Tiny Steps

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